So today I watch some of the areas and apartments, and location.
This may take time cause of the dogs ... then mostly THE GOATLORD have the last word, but if I fix everything, so it may well work out.
Unhappiness outside our apartment in our living area is not good for me in case of Environmental Health at the long run. There are very many points to be smoothly.
Right now I have started... relocation will mean to all of us for the better, so there will be no impulse thing. It should feel 100% right.
One start is to check out what is available ...
One important piece is the economic - otherwise I think we've already been on the road. The economic part can be a little out of an obstacle, but I must start by how we live / life choice.
This is important for it to not affect our life ... but after the move just drive on.
We'll see 'bout this... how it will turn on for a better life quality!!!