söndag, mars 20, 2022



Sådärja klart... runt akvariet mot balkong och ute på balkong. Det mesta utav mysfaktorn avverkad!
FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: räkostmacka med gravad lax & fruktbricka
MIDDAG SÖNDAGENS panerad fisk toppad med potatis
Startade dagen med ett bad... redde ur håret hemma och luftade håret ute under turen...
ca 2 timmars tur... inte första riktigt för året men närapå.

Kort paus på väg hemåt/ tupplur på maten

lördag, mars 19, 2022

Mjukstartar lite igen...



Bilder från idag... En något härligare tur sedan... kriget startade i Ukraina... och fått bukt på lite grejer här hemma... dags för lite vila och varva nedåt efter detta...

måndag, mars 14, 2022

På ett lättare språk:

P:S att leva som i en grön ZON... När det inte duger ens för ett krig!

Stoppa moral och välgörenhet i skepnader! Tänk kort tänk för dig själv! Stoppa stråk nu!

Kom inte hit för samma skit igen och igen och igen, för jag vill inte se detta igen - i vilken skepnad det än är. Hoppas dess skepnader fattar lite bättre nu. När tvärvändning tar sig både ton och fart... Detta kan ta i oändlig form men nu räcker detta helt och fullt för mig. Stå på dig själv!

När inget räcker till... 

ursäkta mig nu återgår jag för en liten mysfaktor* och paus... återkommer dock igen om ett litet tag för daglig vanlig blogg igen....

MOMENT 22* turn the SQUARE:

-- INGET MAN SKOLAS IN varken för eller i arbete eller annanstans --

Tappa hakan mot läsbord eller kusligt vakna likt VMA, då inget memorerat finnes varken innanför eller utanför.

Nu till det finstilta:

Helst låtas stannas vid förståndet innan någon skådats eller skett. Genomskådande nu - om inte... kanske sedan.

Inte utan dess like EN GÅNG TILL hur illa än ter sig ut, 

Vända blad; bakåtsträv eller framåtskrid ter sig mer än en vända rygg - när inte sådden eller moralens väktare synes ens på kartan.

För framtida bruk - dock inga inskriptioner finns.

onsdag, mars 09, 2022

Self-destruction (edit):

edit* from period to period problems to eat if you dont enjoy life for fill...

First time i really heard of suicide thoughts was before it all takes and took places in this novel... she asked me whispering If I ever had or has? i did not answer. I turned my cheek away. cause i did not want my parents hear this discussion. I did not like it, but at the same time curious...  realised... so it was with her and how treated she were. she showed me her family album and a bit of her life... 

One of our last talking

she was absolutely sure that I will find LOVE and versus. But she could never live and stand with someone which decides things over her. She was decided that i could handle love and life!

She turned away her cheek and Didnot wanna talk more... Cause we were to the bones- she didnt were quiet. 

she couldnt handle life... and none where.She was loved by her mom and bro's and versus.

Some deeper thoughts and other words and families I dont hang out... were are more but not necessary.




landscape of springfever:


"As out of a mist in this night-black dark season, oh you, disappeared; then there, as you

once came into my life.

The first time I saw you, a glimpse into your soul, reflected more than empty words

and stupid phrases than where the jokers play their waltzes and their fake game.

Like one of those New Year's Eve crackles with his squirt and howl, you just came in

there in my heart and close it with your warm rinsing effervescent closeness "

MUSIC: Elton John
MOVIES: King kong & Dirty Dancing
INTRESTS: Piano, english  & fashion
LEGENDS:  James Dean & Marilyn Monroe
PERSONALITY: Crazy & kind
STAR SIGN: Scorpion
NAME-DAY: 12 may - LOTTA
FOODS:  lemon sorbet, roll cake "drömrulle lobsters and meat steak


"... it's not what you have ... nor how much you have ... nor how much it sits on the polishing surface ... nor how much more knowledge you possess than anyone else .. nor how much more you are than anyone else ... but that it was just YOU ... "

- Harriet Marianne von Brömssen

Flowers versus blisters

... there are flowers and there are blisters; the one considers the other in all situations as on earth ...


I can still cry for you and I can just as much still laugh at your power vomit on a Valborg and then you were big for me, but now just an ordinary "teenager" and with this result in hand like anyone with faults and shortcomings, but also with so much more under the shell. To first drink almost helplessly to party again at Liseberg and then end up in Gårda inside someone kind of old long block because you did not have the energy or feel good to take a tram and that the clock also became too much and that you could not get home. 
There at Gårda now demolished block that was replaced but which was then an old stairwell up for the first best door and just rang to borrow a phone, but it took a very long time before a man in a bathrobe gently opened and looked out and just then out of nowhere this vomit flew straight out of Mademoiselle Anne and straight at the man's doormat. The man, of course, became furious and swore at Mademoiselle Anne. In all her senses, Mlle Anne rattled right out of nowhere.
It was "Valborg" that with this accompanying drunkenness. 

 A slightly shorter jogging trip

 It actually happened that I could take a jogging trip away by the loop, after my parents moved with me closer to Brunnsbo, more precisely exactly at the border line between Brunnsbo and Backa. The loop was then also quite quite fresh, but still quite run down. 
 My memory usually fails when it comes to years and dates, not like my husband with his male memory for that particular., but you can combine something with each other and sometimes supplement with that part. 
 But one day I put my very last foot on the loop and thus "P" for just around jogging and running. Just this day, for once, I had decided to meet for a jogging trip and Mlle Anne then suddenly appeared and reluctantly joined in when I definitely wanted her with me. That I wanted her with me was because I felt a lot more comfortable with Mlle Anne. I had of course dressed for the jogging, which Mlle Anne had not done, nothing I thought about then. 
This day was probably not Mlle Anne's best either, who at the moment had a rough style for some reason. We lurched towards the loop and met the "Ebenezer" after a while of lulling, she glared a little at Mlle Anne with a gesture that she did not want to take her on the trip and that you can take care of her. I was shocked of course and turned home, while the "Ebenezer" continued her turn, I turned around and could with my bad conscience see that Mlle Anne went calmly home. 
Then we bumped into each other a little later. There was probably nothing that needed to be said more about it all. But at the same time, I understood a little "Ebenezer" acting and still not. My memories revolve mainly around Mlle Anne and now to the matter of "The Ebenezer" and an event before this nonchalance on the jogging trip as a little indication of this: One hot summer day, the "Ebenezer" wanted me to accompany her in a car with some sorts of backwood and chawbacon but ended up in a basement with "Ebenezer", the sort of backwood and chawbacon  maybe other slobbers aound somethere if you ask me for an opinion. But however,  on a bed suddenly lay this so-called "Ebenezer" and looked at me awhile the such sort of slobbers mixed with backwood and chawbacon tried to get this and check for my opinion look - not more than boringness if if I am entitled to any opinion. 
The atmosphere was a bit boring, nothing else for all of us. Afterwards on the way home, the "Ebenezer" asked if I could imagine visiting the slobbers and she explained to me somewhat thoroughly the way there by bus and that we would meet at 08.00 in the morning. When this day appeared, I lay in my bed and slept the deepest and most glorious sleep I could make. The doorbell rang and "Dad" opened it and my "Dad" was a little shocked that she showed up so early in the morning. 

The "Ebenezer" explained that we should have met and my "dad" replied that I was asleep, but came to me and explained the valid knock on the doorbell. I writhed sleepily and said angrily that I refused. Did the "Ebenezer" disappear if it was towards the bus destination "the backwoodsmen" or home? It does not tell the story, but I did not hear more about the shit! Some time after this, the "Ebenezer" appeared without warning with a friend "Fräulein Blundtfundt" and also then I lay in bed quite leached and then it was not so early more than that they could just come in. They wanted something and I muttered asking if they are lesbians ??? The mood did not get high from this and before they both disappeared just like that in a snap, "Fräulein Blundtfundt" said seriously back to me that they both discussed that I am more like Linda Blair in the film "Exorscist" than private. I was both embarrassed, inside blowing and wondering and everything felt awkward there in bed suddenly.

Destination Garzstarez
The doorbell rings and I opened the door a little carefully and right in front of me stands Mlle Anne.
She gropes slowly towards me and wraps herself with soft movements around and at the same time makes a gesture from top to bottom to show that I should look extra closely at her and then says happily and spontaneously: - It is the latest fashion from Paris.
After that sentence, she chuckles with two small sounds in a row that only she could make and sound in her own special way.
And just then my face shone and the choice was just right. Black trousers and to this a white pirate shirt, which hung loosely outside the black bras and a loose belt sitting just below the waist and had cut off her longer blonde hair, she had also done. Very short, but the overall picture exceeded expectations and I liked what I saw just then for this outfit and immediately let her in.

We went straight and got used to my room where we stood and glanced a little lightly at each other slowly before we began to fumble to get some words and sentences about a little of each. The fuzzy conversation ended with Mlle Anne starting to talk about France and whether to go there ...
But then I exclaimed: - Why not just hitchhike to Garzstarez with a time machine?! How much jacks do you have? I have under a hundred...
Mlle Anne counters carefully: - I probably can not scrape together so much.
I say fast without thinking: - Where do we start?
Mlle Anne thinks a little. We decide neck over head a time and day soon with me.
But I wonder cautiously: - Where do we start?
Mlle Anne thinks a bit and answers firmly that we can always take the road about Azkiles ... I just: Ohhhh, dahhhhh...  

When the day falls for our purpose, of course, Mlle Anne shows up as expected and Mlle Anne's attire at the moment; a buttoned beige poplink cap, a thick sweater underneath, jeans and a pair of simple comfortable shoes on the feet. I immediately get hooked on not bothering too much with my appearance and opt for a warming outfit. The season may not have been the best choice to just disappear away in a time machine on. These days was a super day with a little sun and completely windless with cloudy skies. But that night was probably the longest in our lives and it was very icy cold, raw as only a winter night can be that slipped towards its end and prepared for spring.

All we had with us was a pair of a few meager pennies and no packing at all but just the warming upholstery against the body. My attire for this occasion fell on a pair of black soft silk jeans, a thick sweater sweater under a beige buttoned coat with elastic at the waist made of a heavier jeans material and on the feet a pair of comfortable shoes of some kind.

We trudged happily towards Azkiles and time flew away. Strangely enough, it was neither complicated nor far to walk if you just took the shortcut as we did.

Suddenly we were at Azkiles and took a short break there on how to get going and how to get this time machine to start moving forward towards our goal Garzstarez.


A short story dedicated to Anne-Charlotte Crisp Turner * November 16, 1965 † January 19, 1988 one bloody cold windless monday eve towards tuesday

The short story is based in the memory from the late seventies towards the early eighties dedicated to Lotta / Mlle Anne.

Written by Harriet Marianne von Brömssen

Official Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 11:13 pm

midjump in midweek wednesday march 9th 2022 by google translator and Harriet Marianne von Brömssen based on a true story

måndag, februari 28, 2022

VECKA 9 sista februari och dax för paus:

Sista dagen i februari och jag borde imorgon göra första mars inlägg... men jag tar nu en kortare PAUS.när jag kommer tillbaks igen vet jag inte riktigt... först och främst dagarna nu i veckan.... funderar på att ta denna kommande helg också... 

En enda hälsning...

Innan du går till kojs - hur dagen än må ha sett ut- se till att haft ett stort själsligt leende - och har du inte haft detta se till att skaffa detta, än att gå till kojs utan ett leende... inre krafter.

Härlig tur ute... Denna gång lite flås och flämt!
Stället vi var på var första gång för i år nämligen,,,
innebär att vårkänslor är på gång.
Även om det inte var "det där riktigt långa" så var det backigare.
FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: yoghurt-smoothie - snabbt och enkelt & fruktbricka
MIDDAG MÅNDAGENS ugnsstekt makrill toppad med kokt potatis
FRUKOST gene "fiber" LUNCH pastejmacka & fruktbricka
MELLANMÅL buljong och sallad
MIDDAG SÖNDAGENS torsk på rotsaksgryta med kidneybönor

lördag, februari 26, 2022

lagat soppa hela förmiddagen:


Startade tidigt med att forma köttbullarna. I smeten var det både färsk och fryst persilja...
Här i bild är soppan på steg 2... Steg 1 är mera stek... steg 2 halv kok och stek... med 1,5 -2 dl vatten i. 
Steg 3 är sista och här är det kok... med sista grönsaker i. efter ca 30 minuter åkte köttbullarna som stått i kylen ned i soppan... Jag glömde lägga i köttbullarna innan de frysta spenat broccoli och grönkål. som blir lite mera utav smaksättning, så strax efter lade jag i de gröna... går bra det med... men svårare att röra om, man vill ju ha köttbullarna hela!
Imorgon blir det en middag av denna soppa med torsk... och frös in resten som blir en maträtt någon gång i nästa vecka!
FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: yoghurt-smoothie - snabbt och bra  & fruktbricka
MIDDAG LÖRDAGENS soppa med köttbullar - SUPERGOTT
Solen var framme men också kyla... Vindstilla gjorde det härligt, men det var härligt att värma sig med soppa inomhus.
Mysfaktor* i väntan på soppa...

fredag, februari 25, 2022

kort uppdatering...:

FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: pizza slice & fruktbricka
MIDDAG FREDAGENS stekt strömming med spenat

Ett avsnitt kvar av "thieves of the wood"... blir imorgon... inga nya på gång än. Sista del av de nya beckfilmer dröjer lite till. Bäckströms på gång, också denna dröjer lite till...

... blåsigt...


FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: yoghurt-smoothie & fruktbricka
MIDDAG TORSDAGENS lax på rotfruktsbädd med kikärter

onsdag, februari 23, 2022

VECKA 8 sol är välkommet:

Solsken med lite plusgrader var välkommet!
Förövrigt fullt upp!
... senare ikväll fortsätta serien "thieves of the wood" är i mitten ungefär... spänning upptrappad.

FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: pizza slice & fruktbricka
MIDDAG ONSDAGENS panerad fish & crisp med grönröra (spenat broccoli grönkål majs gröna ärter) toppad med potatis och någon stav saltgurka

tisdag, februari 22, 2022

VECKA 8 thieves of the wood:

 Thieves of the wood!  Fortsätta se denna serie,,, andra del ikväll av 10.

Vindstilla varvat med milt och kyla...  skön tur. 

Lättlagat och gott!

FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: tonfiskmacka & fruktbricka
MIDDAG TISDAGENS ugnstekt marinerad karré med rostade grönsaker toppad med kokt potatis

måndag, februari 21, 2022

ny VECKA 8 "sweet potato" måndag igen:

Smakade på denna sötpotatis... tvi vale! Aldrig mera! Men nog är detta en rotfrukt alltid... en sorts beta, mer lik rödbetan... någon som anser sötpotatisen inte vara rotfrukt. 

FRUKOST: gene "fiber" LUNCH: yoghurt-smoothie & fruktbricka
MIDDAG MÅNDAGENS dillkött med rotfrukter
Snö och regn varvat... kvalificerat skitväder! Trots detta blev det en skön tur ute idag!
